Sorry I was MIA again. We went to visit my parents so I was unable to post the daily Promises from God. I brought along with me a bunch of donated clothes from a few friends of ours and the check for $52 that we've raised so far. My mom is going to cover the rest of the balance to ship the clothing that's been donated to the Philippines. I think this shipment will help some of our relatives out as well as others in their community who are also in need of the items. Mom has shipped one box already that should arrive there in about 6 weeks and that was covered solely by her but included many items of clothing donated by Susan. The next shipment willbe using the money collected as well as clothes so I've requested photos to be taken of these 2 shipments. I'll let you all know when the next shipment goes out and hopefully I'll receive photos so I can show you all where your generous donations have gone!

On this trip home Susan and I and our families were able to get together and she gave me a wonderful gift of 3 books to read. The Decision of a Lifetime : The Most Important Choice You'll Ever Make by Marilyn Meberg and Assurance for a Lifetime : Knowing and Living in the Confidence of Christ also by Marilyn Meberg. She also gave me Women of Faith : New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs : New King James Version. I have not opened any of them yet as I'm still catching up with past reading but I'm so excited and thankful for these gi
fts. Currently Micah and I are finishing How to Pray : The Best of John Wesley on Prayer together and then we plan to read Crazy Love by Francis Chan which we're both looking forward to. How to Pray is interesting and very basic. It's very helpful on how to focus on prayer and to go about what it is you're seeking. I feel that I sometimes think I know what I'm about to pray for but when I actually begin my prayer I'm not sure how to put something into words or what it is I'm really asking of our Lord but this book seems to put everything into perspective. The book is also a great reminder of how God works with us even if it's not always plain as day.
Another book I have just begin on my own is Their Eyes Were Watching God. This is a very short book and may seem like a quick read but the 'voice' of the book is very unique. You are reading the character's words as they said them so it takes a little getting used to. For example,

"Don't think Ah don't feel wid you, Janie, 'cause Ah do. Ah couldn't love yuh no more if Ah had uh felto yo' birth pains mahself. Fact uh de matter, Ah loves yuh a whole heap more'n Ah do yo' mama, de one Ah did birth. But you got to take in consideration you ain't no everyday chile like most of 'em. You ain't go no papa, you might jus' as well say no mama, for de good she do yuh. You ain't got nobody but me. And mah head is ole and tilted towards de grave. Neither can you stand alone by yo'self. De thought uh you bein' kicked around from pillar tuh post is uh hurtin' thing. Every tear you drop squeezes a cup uh blood outa mah heart. Ah got tuh try and do for you befo' mah head is cold."
This is the language of this book. I was reading the other day and my daughter was sitting with me so I read aloud and I found that I was actually hearing/feeling the story more this way so any time I'm feeling like I'm skimming the pages and missing the content I read aloud during the character's dialogue.
I'm really excited to finish some of these books so I can begin sharing my thoughts with you. If you've read any of these please feel free to share your thoughts with me here as well!!
I'm in the midst of reading Crazy Love and enjoying it immensely! I'll write more later when I finish it! :)
ReplyDeletemy mother in law says it's wonderful so i'm excited to read it as well!! can't wait to read what you think of it :)