Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Doctrine Week 1 Trinity : God Is DISCUSSION (Al)

We have watched our first seminar this week (hooray!) which you can also view on this blog by clicking 'Mars Hill Church' to the right under 'find what you're looking for'. Here are our thoughts on this first week and if you have some to add we'd love to hear from you so please leave comments if you'd like!

AL : Since this is our first discussion let me set up what is happening. I have posted my overall thoughts on Doctrine Week 1 below. I also typed out notes while watching the video and have posted them as a comment to this post so if you'd like to read them while watching the video or just to read them check in comments. We set the deadline for January 30th so you'll see Sue's post between now and the 30th here as well!

Summary : I should add that Susan has been a Christian for the past 7 years and I have just become one and am still learning so much. This seminar opened my eyes to who God is and that there truly can be only one God, our God. I always used to say that I believe in God but I don't deny other religions and their beliefs. I never understood why some would be so adamant that there is only one God, our Savior and I took this as closemindedness but I now know that any other spirits, gods, etc that others worship are false as it is stated in the Bible that there was God first and no other before or after Him. There is no love without God and Christianity because God IS love. If you are not a Christian you do not understand or know love, God and the doctrine. I really enjoyed the end of this seminar because everything that you'd think someone would want out of life IS the trinitarian life. Who wouldn't want to be happy, full of love, submitting to God in times of need and transparent and open with nothing to hide. People should be jumping at the chance to become Christian and lead a trinitarian life! I believe that this is the life I've always tried to lead but have stumbled and been unsure at times if I was actually living in this way but by being a Christian I am given direction and have many resources (God, church, loved ones, other Christians) to always help guide me.

1 comment:

  1. AL : Just to set this up for you I'll be typing my thoughts out as I watch hence the listing of my ideas!
    Who is God?
    -must have correct understanding of who God is to know how we should be
    What is the Trinity?
    -trinity is one God who exists always and equally as the Father, Son(Jesus) and Spirit
    -there is and can only be one God, our God
    -in the bible there are references to other gods, such as the gods recognized in other religions,
    but these are false gods, demons
    -as a Christian you can't be religious and spiritual alone, you must be Christian otherwise you could be worshipping demons
    -Jesus died for literally being who he is, God
    -Holy Spirit is not an 'it' but 'he', Holy Spirit is not a force but a person that feels, he is God
    -Lord is a title for God
    - (19:04) God is LOVE, god is trinity. LOVE =Trinity, we were made to love and be loved, apart from God we don't know what love is.
    Does the Trinity appear in the Old Testament?
    -Before Creation, there is mention of God, the Holy Spirit
    -(23:10) Targum - accepted Jewish translation and reading of Old Testament,
    -Jesus is the image of God, the firstborn
    -Trinitarian - God, Son, Holy Spirit created everything, Genesis
    -trinity, trinitarian language = plurality of God (25:46), use of word "us", Genesis
    -references foreshadowing the coming of Jesus
    Does the Trinity appear in the New Testament?
    -Trinity appears at birth of Jesus = the son of God, Jesus called Emmanuel = God with us, God the Father, God the Spirit enables Mary to give birth to God's son
    -baptize in the name of the Trinity
    -Economic Trinity = how God works in history, God is one, always work in unison but each has a separate role in what they are accomplishing
    --example : God knows who he will save, God the Son died for our sins, God the spirit cleanses and transforms us to be like Jesus, the entire Trinity is involved in our salvation
    Imminent Trinity = how God is within himself
    What is the history of the doctrine of the Trinity?
    -complicated, amidst chaos bible teachers had to wait for a time to get together to focus, spend time clarifying the doctrine, did not happen overnight, as a result of clarification of the doctrine all Christians believe in the Trinity
    What are the major heresies that have contradicted the doctrine of the Trinity?
    1. belief in multiple gods, belief that man became God
    2. deny the father, son, holy spirit are distinct persons
    3. deny the father, son and spirit are equally God
    -The Shack novel - heretical
    -people are not less than anyone else but we are to show respect and honor authority
    -doctrine and your life are connected
    What is a Trinitarian life?
    -life, love with God, saving others by loving them, showing love through God
    -all aspects of life through the trinity, trinity=life, trinity is love, life is love, all of life in trinitarian
    -trinitarian life IS loving, you do not know love unless through the Trinity, through God because they ARE love
    -no secrets, wholistic, open, honest = transparent, humble, happy
    -submit, obey, repent to God
